Friday, April 13, 2007


North Cemetery is a vast city in itself. Many of the tombs are bigger and better ‘homes’ than any of the thousands (millions?) of poor in Manila. And many of these poor take up residency in the tombs. Owners pay up to $6 a month for a family to take up residency. This provides a roof and area to sleep in exchange for making sure no objects (iron fences, photos, etc) are destroyed or stolen. Some of the owners also provide a drinking water supply for their ‘tenants.’

It is in this place that we had our second annual healing crusade. It is reported to me that our particular area is for sale, the bones have been removed and take to Europe somewhere. There are three crypts, two adult and one child, but a fairly spacious floor area some 6-8 square meters under the roof, which is crumbling cement. Our hosts have the key to the iron fence gate.

Most of our group is very young children and their mothers, with a contingent of teenagers hanging around outside, sometimes moving in and out. We have several lively songs, and I preach a message about Christ, his love, his healing power. A woman experiences relief from the usual back pain and fatigue, and with this, others come forward. One woman is quite fearful, for breast cancer has caused pus to be flowing from her breast. I didn’t get details, I have difficulty enough getting the basic information with the language! After prayer, she said all pain had disappeared. I had her go into the back with one of the ladies on our team to check it out. They came back and reported that the pus flow had nearly stopped. We prayed again, they checked again and reported just a pinpoint of pus remained. Relief and joy flooded her face!

Then some of the teens started coming in. I am not sure of the stories, but the change in faces, and the fact that others came in for prayer told me that something was taking place when I prayed for them.

One of the interesting facets of North Cemetery is the ‘Condominiums.’ I noticed some last year, now there are many more. These are high rise 2x2x6' square tubes piled upon one another, crypts awaiting sale and occupancy of dead bodies. In the meantime, many become places of refuge for the squatter community.

Surely our small gathering is not even a sampling of the lives in this strange community in the middle of one of the largest cities in the world!


Erike and Wirahade
"Mie Gili" Restaurant Owner

Just before leaving Surabaya, I ministered in a church in a suburb, Sidoaradjo. I ministered there just a year ago, when I prayed for the pastor and his wife to have a child - they were many years (I think 6) childless. Now they have a three month old child. You can do the math.
After church, I was taken to a restaurant to eat, where the owners told me the following story, which I requested my interpreter to put into English and forward to me by email. This is their story. -HK-

In the early 2006 I and my husband got a prophecy from rev. Hugh Kaiser (USA), He spoke that God will give to my husband a job that is even greater than what he has before and still open our restaurant in the city of Sidoarjo . Yet our restaurant selling at that time was decreasing, plus it was near to the end of contract (rent) period in early 2007.

Still in that kind of situation I kept the word of God (prophecy) in the deepest of my heart. In June 2006 the city government set up a median on the road in front of our restaurant caused our restaurant even difficult to be accessed. It cost even more lost and the selling drop to 60% and it wasn’t stop at that point, the property owner asked for 90% raise for the renting price. We try to negotiate but the owner will not move.

During the months of Oct-Nov 2006 we experienced a heavy distress. Every day we circled the city of \Sidoarjo in order to find a new location for our restaurant that fit our financial budget/capability. It seems impossible!!! To find a strategic location always means high cost renting price. Finally, we decide to stop/closed down our restaurant business and planed to go abroad for a job.

At that time I talked to a friend of mine (the person that I was talked to when I got the prophecy), she immediately warned and remind me to the prophecy, I was like waking up from a sleep and back to the track believing if God wants He will arrange everything and open the way. Suddenly I feel peace and surrender everything to Jesus. Not to long from that time we got a new location for our restaurant in the city center as we dream for a long time. Something that we amazed about The Lord Jesus, we got it a lot cheaper compare to the old location. God provide us with the financial. When we talked with the property owner at the time of signing contract, he said that actually many other person have been interested to this location and they are agree to pay even higher. More over, the property owner gave us permission to uninstall the fence in front of that property (that will hinder the face of our restaurant), no one has ever been permitted to.PRAISE THE LORD JESUS, He never late to help us, he makes everything beautiful in His time. He open the way that make us amazed and wonder to His Power, the timing is precisely (Just a month away from the last renting period). No use if we hope to a man help, Jesus is awesome!!!!!!!
Thank You for the chance you have given to us to witness. Hope this testimony can help others more depending to Jesus…….Amen
God Bless You,
Erike and Wirahade