Shepherds and Sheep
My heart is for equipping Christians, especially pastors, leaders, and congregations of local churches, especially in more remote rural areas, meaning smaller, poorer churches. Stories of lives and testimonies are contained in this section. It's about relationships.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I offered to pray for her, she was delighted. After prayer, I asked "any difference?" She looked at me blankly, as though the thought had never entered her mind. I pushed a little. "I'm serious. I have seen people paralyzed 6 years get up and walk."
Still no move to check it out. I didn't push.
Later I got an email that the couple had come back looking for me. She was now walking without pain!
The Shepherd has said that he can and will do things for us. Why are the sheep so doubtful?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Harvest Time!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Ai Yao
I had my last session this school year with two Chinese teachers. One became a Christian while still in China, and was well tutored by a foreign missionary. The other received Christ during a school retreat. This second one, Ai Yao, will return to China. My mission has been to prepare her to return to a family and community that does not know Christ. She says she knows of no Christian or church in her place!
So when Dennis Balcombe. who been missionary in Hong Kong for nearly 40 years, quite well known for his ministry in mainland China since as soon as China opened to foreigners again, came to Surabaya, I was keen to get her connected to him and the China church through him.
This happened this past week with meetings with Dennis on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I was privileged to have several meals with Dennis and pick his brain on many topics. I was pleased to find that he is a down-to-earth guy.
Ai Yao will be returning to China this week, and now has contacts. I have been feeding her in weekly Bible studies whenever I am in Surabaya, and Mary, the other Chinese teacher, has also been having Bible studies with her. I am excited about the prospects of miracles following Ai Yao as she prays for people and God demonstrates His power, and her being able to have home Bible studies that will turn into churches.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Hebrews 12:11 says that the Lord’s chastening is not pleasant while we experience it but it will yield its fruit in time. So the Lord standing at our door and knocking, after we have shut him out, perhaps gets more and more uncomfortable as he must knock harder and harder to get our attention. I have heard many jokes about being struck by lightening by the Lord, but while waiting for my plane from Manila in April it was my first time to meet someone who had been struck by lightening three times, in the same place, and still did not pay attention to the Lord. Finally, he said, there was an accident where a large piece of equipment fell on him, broke his neck and left him paraplegic. Slowly, he had been regaining use of his limbs. Now only some minor functioning of the fingers was deficient, but the pain in his neck was an ever present reminder, and he walked with difficulty because of this pain.
He had been in Davao, Mindinao, to visit his wife. There, they had started works to provide employment and food for the poor. He had met his wife on the internet (I’m meeting many recently, who met like this and are now enjoying healthy, happy relationships, a surprise to me with my prejudice against the principle!). We talked about the wonder of the Lord and the work He calls us to, about how slowly we are to respond, and the variety of methods He employs to call us. He acknowledged that he did believe the three lightening strikes, and the accidents, were indeed all attempts by the Lord to get our attention. He agrees with my understanding that if we don’t repent, as Rev 3:19 clearly says we are called to do, then the knocking gets harder, and more uncomfortable, even painful, until finally we do repent, and pay attention.
This word repent merely means stop going the direction we are going, turn around and go the other direction. In this case the direction toward the Lord and His will and work.
Conclusion: Sheep are really dumb, and slow to understand or respond to the Lord knocking, slow to learn from experience!
Has the Lord been knocking on your door lately?
Friday, September 7, 2007
One young man asked for prayer for a job. He got his job within two days. I suggested to him that there was a hindrance to his prayers being answered, for his dreams being realized. He acknowledged that he still liked sex with young men. He said he would like to change, but couldn’t. We worked with him for some time, and finally he came to the realization that he had but to choose to stop, and he could. He thought for a few moments, then asked "If I stop, what will God give me?"
He had received a job when he asked. He had received friends when he asked. I asked him what more he wanted from God. God had already given life, His own life upon the cross. God had already given all!
The young man said he wanted his dreams to be realized. I asked how old he was, and he refused, saying it had no relevance. I reminded him Joseph waited some 16 years, Abraham had waited 25. He acknowledged he had waited much less than one year.
He was bargaining with God, when God had already given all, and was offering the dream at the price of obedience. The young man could not, would not, give up his vice!
Another was a woman who was having severe difficulties for more than two years. She was hanging around Christians, but rejected a God who allowed suffering such as she was seeing. She is a race car driver, one of the tops! Some years ago, she had a death experience, with the black tunnel and bright light at the end and all. But her experience was a bit different. About halfway there, a figure stood before her. She could see only the shadow, because of the light behind. The man caused her to turn around and return.
I asked her if she had ever considered just who it was that had the power to send her back, or send her onward, who had met her in the tunnel. She said she had never given it a thought. She still did not want to explore this question, it seemed irrelevant to her. I told her I thought maybe whoever it was that sent her back had a reason, and perhaps she should consider thinking about who sent her back, and why. I suggested that God sometimes had to get our attention, and the Bible sometimes causes problems in our lives to accomplish this (Hebrews 12:6,11). If we aren’t corrected, he must resort to something stronger.
She did not seem to want to consider this possibility. Yet she continues to experience increasing pain and difficulty in her life, refusing to seek God or His will or purpose for her life. I am fairly certain that as soon as she seeks who it was that sent her back, and why, that these problems will cease.
We all are like these two in some ways in our lives, just not to the extent perhaps of these two. We have ‘blind’ areas of our lives, little habits or addictions we think are not too bad that we refuse to give up. Jesus gave all, so that we could have all. Yet we must exchange our bad habits in order to acquire the good habits that will allow us to live the abundant life he offers. We are all a bit rebellious and stupid this way!
Sunday, June 10, 2007

It was a very precious visit for me, from the humble dirt floor home we visited to the visits with the children and the old man, giving me a peek into the very simple and very hard life of village farmers in Indonesia.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Surely our small gathering is not even a sampling of the lives in this strange community in the middle of one of the largest cities in the world!