Wednesday, December 27, 2006


The Seminars that I do for pastors and church leaders have been developed over the past 20 years. My very first seminars were in 1985 for pastors in the Assemblies of God churches in Hawaii. Topic was Team Building. My seminars are designed for three days, but can be shortened to just 6 hours. Of course in the longer seminars ability to apply the principles and techniques can be practiced and become much more practical and realistic.

My seminars range from very practical management topics (such as Time Management, Team Building, Small Group Dynamics, Conflict Resolution, etc) to practical church-goer activation (Healing prayer, Holy Spirit and Gifts of the Spirit) to basic Christian doctrine and practice (Born Again, Spirit Filled, Spiritual Maturity). All are aimed at transformation rather that education (though both take place), and at replacing bad habits of thought, speach, and practice with Godly habits through enlightenment (shining the light of the Word of God) upon lives. I am a very practically oriented person.

Most common testimony from seminars: "Now I understand."
Favorite testimony: "I have been rebuked and am set free."


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