Saturday, March 24, 2007


Another time, our team was walking for three days from village to village, praying for people and preaching the gospel. A man began following us the second day. My host said that he asked if we were forming a new group. He was head of a group PBMA - Philippine Benevelent and Mission Association - they also went about healing people. He wanted to join our group, because he saw that the power we had was greater than his power.

A few days later, I was teaching in a seminar and he came in and sat at the back. I had been teaching on the Holy Spirit and hearing God. I had an illustration on the blackboard showing three sources: God, Satan, and our own creative minds. During the break he came and talked with me. He also had seen miracle healings. I asked him which source of power he used, and he pointed at ‘satan’ on the board and said "that power." I asked him why, since by his own observation over the past few days, God’s power was demonstrably more powerful.

He replied that the demons would get angry and hurt him if he used God’s power. He said that it was convenient for a time to use the power of the dark side, but later he would follow God. And he only used it for ‘good.’ Many are enticed or coerced by this same lie and succumb to the convenience of compromise for comfort sake, or unwittingly submit to the evil powers ‘to do good.’

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